Paranormal = anything observed or experienced that cannot be explained by normal or standard scientific methods.  

Levitation = When a person or an object rises into the air without any physical means of suspension.  Objects moving about or flying across the room can fall into this classification.

Clairvoyancy = An ability to know something without the use of any of the normal 5 senses.  Many clairvoyants, or 'psychics', are called upon to assist with paranormal investigations.

Spiritual Activity = This is a form of the paranormal that we have virtually no scientific evidence of at all, and yet so many in the world today as well as throughout many thousends of years of mankinds history have experienced somekind of spiritual encounters.  We call these experiences "ghosts" usually.  Generally the kind of activity involved with this paranormal phenomena would be unexplained apparitions, disembodied voices or footsteps, feelings of being physically touched by unseen persons, and sometimes possession.

Possession = When an alien (foreign) entity or spirit force enters a living human body and assumes control of the body through vocals, thought, or physical movement.  This is most often attributed to negative or evil entities and does carry the possibility of being lethal.  If possession is suspected in any case of paranormal activity, it is strongly suggested to deal with it immediately and with the uttmost of care.

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