These are a few photos I found off the web.  They are some of the most famous ghost photos ever taken.  They were each taken by different people, in different locations and at completely different times.  Some of the photos here are quite old.  

Nearly all of the pictures I've posted here have been verified by numerous photography experts to be completely authentic and unexplainable. 

Do you notice the person sitting in the back seat?  The back seat of this vehicle was said to be empty when this photo was taken by the wife of the man sitting in the front seat.  She was simply taking a photo of her husband, but upon inspection of the photograph after it was developed, a figure in the backseat was noticed and is believed to be the deceased mother of the woman who took this photo. 

 The famous "Brown Lady"

Below is the photo of a burning building with the ghostly appearance of a young girl. 

 Experts who have studied the photograph below have determined the apparition shown to be around 7 feet in height.  

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