Do you have occurances of unexplained phenomena in your home or workplace?  Do you feel that you may know of a haunted location?  There are things that you can do yourself to investigate these experiences.

EVP, or Electronic Voice Phenomena, is a good way to get started and it's very easy to do.  All you need is any kind of voice or sound recording device.  If your recorder uses tapes, then start with a brand new tape.  Find a quiet place.  EVP should always be conducted in a sound-controlled environment.  You want as little outside noise as possible.  Many EVP recordings are mere whispers and can be quite difficult to hear over other noises.

Once you are ready, hit record and start with asking questions.  You can ask anything you like, such as:

"Is there a spirit present?"  "What is your name?"  "Why are you here?"

Try to pause for several seconds in between asking each question, give time for a response.  And be patient in your efforts... your recordings will not always provide anything interesting.  So be persistent.

If you feel that the activity going on is disturbing or becoming aggressive, then you may consider calling upon professional paranormal researchers to help you in your situation.  Many of these groups are non-profit and will provide help with little or no charge.

Lastly, regarding the cleansing of a home or building or the removal (exorcism) of spiritual forces from a home, building, or person...  it has been my personal observation that in most cases the church has proven to be of little assistance in these matters.  Exorcisms are widely shunned upon these days and in many cases are considered eccentric or even taboo.  Many priests and ministers do not take possession very seriously and most of the time have shown plain disbelief in it.

To aquire true assistance with the removal of possessive entities, it is my personal recommendation to consult an experienced demonologist or a paranormal research group who has access to one.

If you are located within Phoenix, Arizona you are free to call upon me and my crew of researchers.  We are a non-profit group and we offer investigative services as well as spiritual removal service.  Email contact is

We handle all serious cases of unexplained phenomena.  Cases involving children, the elderly, or persons being attacked or possessed will be handled as First Priority.

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